Ode to my Love

Daily Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow

Write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!

Ode to My Love
(Casey Deg)

How blessed I am to have a love
That will not pass away.
Though storms may come and threaten us,
Our love will always stay.

Our first Valentine's Day together in 2012 during our courtship. Casey is the man, although I love my dog Dallas dearly as well! ;-)

Our first Valentine’s Day together in 2012 during our courtship. Casey is the man, although I love my dog Dallas dearly as well! 😉

Captivated in your presence,
Amazed at your great love.
My heart, it beams with gratitude,
My eyes are like a dove’s.

This covenant we have is true,
Nothing can come between.
The vows we made will always last,
Fond memories we’ll glean.

Twitterpated by your gaze,
I melt with your embrace.
When distance steals you from my arms,
I’ll dream of your sweet face.

I need not flowers, candy, cards,
No gift will ever do.
I simply need God’s love and yours,
Two things forever true.

-Jennifer Deg

It’s been quite some time since I have written metered poetry, and I wrote this very quickly, but I thought Writing 201 with The Daily Post would be fun. If you know me you know that poetry isn’t my forte (especially metered), so I apologize for it’s juvenileness. (Yep. I just invented that word.) This should be interesting! 😀

4 thoughts on “Ode to my Love

  1. This is so true when you have such great love
    God has bless you each and every day.
    He is our one and true love,
    That makes this day so fine.

    Liked by 1 person

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